发表文章列表(2004-2013) - 根分类 - 中国科学院国家天文台怀柔观测基地



2024-10-24 06:34:57

实时温度: 6.5 ℃
相对湿度: 90.6 %
实时气压: 1016.7
太阳辐射: 0.0
实时风向: 350 °
实时风速: 0.0
PM2.5: 38.0


发表日期:   2021-11-21      点击:   398

• Bai, X.Y., Deng, Y.Y., Su, J.T.: Calibration of vector magnetograms with the chromospheric Mg b2 line, 2013, SoPh, 282, 405.
• Cameron, R.H., Dasi-Espuig, M., Jiang, J., Isik, E., Schmitt, D.: Limits to solar cycle predictability: cross-equatorial flux plumes, 2013, A&A, 557, A141.
• Gao, Y.: A brief report on statistical study of net electric current in opposite polarity longitudinal field area of solar active regions, 2013, RAA, 13(6), 749.
• Gao, Y., Sakurai, T., Zhang, H.Q., Kuzanyan, K., Sokoloff, D.: Statistical distribution of current helicity in solar active regions over the magnetic cycle, 2013, MNRAS, 433(2), 1648.
• Guo, J.: A statistical study on solar soft X-ray flare and the sources, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 551.
• Hao, J., Zhang, M.: Solar cycle variation of helicity characteristics indicated by SP/Hinode, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 149.
• 侯俊峰, 王东光, 邓元勇, 孙英姿, 张志勇: 基于非线性最小二乘拟合法的 Mueller 矩阵椭偏仪, 2013, 中国激光, 40(4), 0408004.
• 侯俊峰, 王东光, 邓元勇, 张志勇, 孙英姿: 斯托克斯椭偏仪的非线性最小二乘拟合偏振定标, 2013, 光学精密工程, 21(8), 1915.
• Hou, J.F., de Vijn A.G., Tomczyk, S.: Design and measurement of the Stokes polarimeter for the COSMO K-coronagraph, 2013, ApJ, 774, 85.
• Jiang, J., Cameron, R.H., Schmitt, D., Isik, E.: Modeling solar cycle 15 to 21 using a flux transport dynamo, 2013, A&A, 553, A128.
• Jiang, J., Cameron, R.H., Schmitt, D., Schüssler, M.: Can surface flux transport account for the weak polar field in cycle 23? 2013, SSRv, 176, 289.
• Jiang, J.: Solar-cycle precursors and predictions, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 49.
• Jiang, J.: Modeling the solar cycles 12 - 20 with a Babcock-Leighton flux transport dynamo, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 67.
• Jiang, J.: The grand solar minima and the solar dynamo, 2013, International Journal of Modern Physics, 23, 425.
• Liu, S., Zhang, H.Q., Su, J.T.: Accuracy analysis of application of extrapolation of force-free fields in solar active and quiet regions, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 569.
• Liu, S., Su, J.T., Zhang, H.Q., Deng, Y.Y., Gao, Y., Yang, X., Mao, X.J.: A statistical study on force-freeness of solar magnetic fields in the photosphere, 2013, PASA, 30, e005.
• Shen, Y.D., Liu, Y., Su, J.T., et al.: Observations of a quasi-periodic, fast-propagating magnetosonic wave in multiple wavelengths and its interaction with other magnetic structures, 2013, SoPh, 288, 585.
• Shen, Y.D., Liu, Y., Su, J.T., et al.: Diffraction, refraction, and reflection of an extreme-ultraviolet wave observed during its interactions with remote active regions, 2013, ApJL, 773, L33.
• Sokoloff, D., Zhang, H.Q., Moss, D., Kleeorin, N., Kuzanyan, K., Rogachevski, I., Gao, Y., Xu, H.Q.: Current helicity constraints in solar dynamo models, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 313.
• Su, J.T., Liu, Y., Liu, S., et al.: Simultaneous observation of solar oscillations associated with coronal loops from the photosphere to the corona, 2013, ApJ, 762, 42.
• Su, J.T., Liu, Y., Shen, Y.D.: Changing photospheric vector magnetic fields associated with a B4.2-class solar flare, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 561.
• Su, J.T., Liu, Y.: Observational evidence of unwinding and chirality changing in penumbral filaments by Hinode, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 565.
• Wang, X.F., Sigismondi, C.: The Geometrical information on the Sun high precision results measured with the HMI, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 483.
• Wiengarten, T., Kleimann, J., Fichtner, H., Cameron, R., Jiang, J., Kissmann, R., Scherer, K.: MHD simulation of the inner-heliospheric magnetic field, 2013, JGRA, 118, 29.
• Xu, H.Q., Zhang, H.Q., Su, J.T., Ruan, G.P., Liu, J.H.: Magnetic helicity injection in NOAA 11261 associated with flares, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 537.
• Yang, S.B., Zhang, H.Q.: Large scale magnetic helicity fluxes estimated from MDI magnetic synoptic charts, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 157.
• Yang, S.B., Büchner, J., Santos, J.C., Zhang, H.Q.: Evolution of relative magnetic helicity: method of computation and its application to a simulated solar corona above an active region, 2013, SoPh, 283, 369.
• Yang, X., Lin, G.H., Zhang, H.Q., Mao, X.J.: Magnetic nonpotentiality in photospheric active regions as a predictor of solar flares, 2013, ApJL, 774(2), L27.
• Yang, X., Zhang, H.Q., Lin, G.H., Gao, Y., Guo, J.: A statistical study on photospheric active-region magnetic nonpotentiality and associated flares during solar cycles 22 - 23, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 587.
• Zhang, H.Q., Yang, S.B.: Distribution of magnetic helicity flux with solar cycles, 2013, ApJ, 763, 105.
• Zhang, M.: Helicity transport from solar convection zone to interplanetary space, 2013, Proc. of IAUS, 294, 507.
• Zhao, H., Chou D.-Y.: Mode conversion between different radial orders for solar acoustic waves scattered by sunspots, 2013, ApJ, 778, 4.
• Bao, X.M., Xie, W.B.: Solar EUV flux variation and flare brightenings, 2012, AdSpR, 50, 683.
• Gao, Y., Zhao, J.W., Zhang, H.Q.: Analysis on correlations between subsurface kinetic helicity and photospheric current helicity in active regions, 2012, ApJL, 761, L9.
• 侯俊峰, 于佳, 王东光, 邓元勇, 张志勇, 孙英姿: 自校准法测量波片相位延迟, 2012, 中国激光, 39(4), 0409007.
• Cameron, R., Schmitt, D., Jiang, J., Isik, E.: Surface flux evolution constraints for flux transport dynamos, 2012, A&A, 542, 127.
• Hao, J., Zhang, M.: Hemispheric helicity sign rule observed by Hinode/SP, 2012, ASPC, 456, 69.
• 李静, 张枚, 张洪起: 日震学研究进展, 2012, 天文学进展, 32(3), 267.
• Lin, G.H.: A complete solar eruption activities processing tool with robotization and real time (I), 2012, Proc. of SPIE, , .
• Liu, S., Zhang, H.Q., Su, J.T.: Error analysis regarding the calculation of nonlinear force-free field, 2012, Ap&SS, 337, 665.
• Liu, S.: A coronal jet ejection from a sunspot light bridge, 2012, PASA, 29, 193.
• Su, J.T., Liu, Y., Shen, Y.D., Liu, S., Mao, X.J.: Observation of high-speed outflows in coronal loops associated with photospheric magnetic field evolution, 2012, 760(1), 82.
• Su, J.T., Shen, Y.D., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Mao, X.J.: Imaging observations of quasi-periodic pulsations in solar flare loops with SDO/AIA, 2012, ApJ, 755(2), 113.
• Su, J.T., Shen, Y.D., Liu, Y.: Extreme-ultraviolet multi-wavelength observations of quasi-periodic pulsations in a solar post-flare cusp-shape loop with SDO/AIA, 2012, ApJ. 754(1), .
• Xu, H.Q., Gao, Y., Zhang, H.Q., Sakurai, T., Pevtsov, A.A., Sokoloff, D.: The study of helical property in active regions by vector magnetograms and coronal X-ray image, 2012, PASJ, 64, 54.
• Yang, X., Zhang, H.Q., Gao, Y., Guo, J., Lin, G.H.: A statistical study on photospheric magnetic nonpotentiality of active regions and its relationship with flares during solar cycles 22 - 23, 2012, SoPh, 280(1), 165.
• 杨潇, 林钢华, 白先勇, 朱小帅: GPU计算在太阳物理中的应用, 2012, 科研信息化技术与应用, 3(3), 69.
• Zhang, J., Yang, Y., Cheng, X., Yang, S.B., Gong, W.: Application of K-FADOF in solar high-resolution observation, 2012, Chinese Journal of Lasers, 39, 8.
• Zhang, M.: Coronal mass ejections as a result of magnetic helicity accumulation, 2012, ASPC, 456, 145.
• Zhang, M.: Coronal mass ejections as a result of magnetic helicity accumulation, 2012, ASPC, 454, 399.
• Zhang, M., Deng, Y.Y., Zhang, H.Q.: Vector magnetic field measurement and helicity of active regions, 2012, EASPS, 55, 93.
• Zhang, M., Flyer, N., Low, B.C.: Magnetic helicity of self-similar axisymmetric force-free fields, 2012, ApJ, 755, 78.
• Chen, J., Lundstedt, H., Deng, Y.Y., Wintoft, P., Zhang, Y.: An analysis of the formation of interconnecting loops, 2011, SoPh, 273, 51.
• Cheng, X., Zhang, J., Ding, M.D., Guo, Y., Su, J.T.: A comparative study of confined and eruptive flares in NOAA AR 1072, 2011, ApJ, 732, 87.
• Gao, Y.: Imbalance of magnetic field observed in vector magnetograms, 2011, AdSpR, 48(6), 1026.
• Hao, J., Zhang, M.: Hemispheric helicity trend for solar cycle 23, 2011, ApJL, 733, L27.
• Hu, Q., Deng, N., Choudhary, D.P., Dasgupta, B., Su, J.T.: The solar active region magnetic field and energetics, 2011, Proc. of IAUS, 273, 369.
• Jiang, J., Cameron, R.H., Schmitt, D., Schuessler, M.: Can surface flux transport account for the weak polar field in cycle 23, 2011, SSRv, 136, .
• Jiang, J., Schmitt, D.: A physical reconstruction of solar magnetic field since 1700, 2011, ASICS, 2, 149.
• Liu, S., Zhang, H.Q., Su, J.T., Song, M.T.: Study on two methods for nonlinear force-free extrapolarion based on semi-analytical field, 2011, SoPh, 269, 41.
• Liu, S., Zhang, H.Q., Su, J.T.: Comparison of nonlinear force-free field and potential field in the quiet Sun, 2011, SoPh, 269, 41.
• Shen, Y.D., Liu, Y., Su, J.T., Ibrahim, A.: Kinematics and fine structure of an unwinding polar jet observed by the Solar Dynamic Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, 2011, ApJL, 735, L43.
• Su, J.T.: Changing photospheric vector magnetic fields associated with a B4.2-class solar flare, 2011, ICMT, 5767.
• 苏江涛, 邓元勇, 王晓帆, 侯俊峰, 王东光: 太阳宏观电场测量进展, 2011, 天文学进展, 29(1), 19.
• Su, J.T., Jing, J., Wang, H.M., Mao, X.J., Wang, X.F., Zhang, H.Q., Deng, Y.Y., Guo, J., Wang, Go.P.: Observational evidence of changing photospheric vector magnetic fields associated with solar flares, 2011, ApJ, 733, 94.
• Zhang, M.: Solar magnetic field: the key to understanding the Sun, 2011, Chin. Sci. Bull., 56(35), 3888.
• Zhang, M.: Coronal mass ejection as a result of magnetic helicity accumulation, 2011, Bull. of CAS, 25(3), 208.
• Zhang, M., Hao, J., Wang, C.Y.: Hemispheric helicity sign rule and its solar cycle dependence, 2011, ASICS, 2, 155.
• 赵翠, 林钢华: 基于MVC设计模式的怀柔太阳信息系统, 2011, 科学技术与工程, 11(20), 4695.
• Zhao, M.Y., Wang, X.F., Zhang, H.Q.: The correlation between the magnetic and velocity fields on the full solar disk, 2011, SoPh, 270, 23.
• Guo, J., Liu, Y., Zhang, H.Q., Deng, Y.Y., Lin, J.B., Su, J.T.: A flux rope eruption triggered by jets, 2010, ApJ, 711(2), 1057.
• Su, J.T.: Magnetic helicity injection and chirality changing in penumbral filaments, 2010, Advances in Geosciences, 21, 301.
• Wang, X.F., Su, J.T., Zhang, H.Q.: Calibration of a full-disc longitudinal magnetogram at the Huairou Solar Observing Station, 2010, MNRAS, 406(2), 1166.
• Zhang, H.Q., Sakurai, T., Pevtsov, A., Gao, Y., Xu, H.Q., Sokoloff, D.D., Kuzanyan, K.: A new dynamo pattern revealed by solar helical magnetic fields, 2010, MNRAS Letters, 402(1), L30.
• Zhang, H.Q., Yang, S.B., Gao, Y., Su, J.T., Sokoloff, D.D., Kuzanyan, K.: Large-scale soft X-ray loops and their magnetic chirality in both hemispheres, 2010, ApJ, 719(2), 1955.
• Lin, G.H., Wang, X.F.: 2009, ScChG, 52, 1778.
• Wang, D., Zhang, M., Li, H., Zhang, H.Q.: 2009, ScChG, 52, 1707.
• Chumak, O., Zhang, H.Q., Guo, J.: Magnetic-field variations in the active region NOAA 10486 and their relationship to X-ray flares and coronal mass ejections, 2008, ARep, 52(10), 852.
• Gao, Y., Su, J.T., Xu, H.Q., Zhang, H.Q.: Statistical removal of Faraday rotation in vector magnetograms taken by filter-type magnetographs, 2008, MNRAS, 386(4), 1959.
• Gao, Y., Xu, H.Q., Zhang, H.Q.: Probing the method of correcting Farady rotation in vector magnetograms, 2008, AdSpR, 42(9), 888.
• 胡新华, 邓元勇, 王先平: 遵循xDM标准的PGF压缩编码器优化设计, 2008, 光学精密工程, 16(7), .
• Lin, G.H.: A case of reliable remote functionality, 2008, Proc. of SPIE, 7019, 70192Y.
• 刘健, 林钢华: 构建虚拟太阳天文台的中国数据结点, 2008, 天文研究与技术, 5, 241.
• Liu, J.H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, H.Q.: Relationship between powerful flares and dynamic evolution of the magnetic field at the solar surface, 2008, SoPh, 248(1), 67.
• Ruan, G.P., Zhang, H.Q.: Influence of different atmospheric models and seeing effects on the nonlinear calibration, 2008, AdSpR, 42(5), 879.
• Santos, J., Büchner, J., Zhang, H.Q.: Inferring plasma flow velocities from photospheric vector magnetic field observations for the investigation of flare onsets, 2008, AdSpR, 42(5), 812.
• 申基, 胡柯良, 林佳本, 邓元勇: 怀柔太阳观测基地三通道太阳望远镜局域网内远程观测终端系统设计, 2008, 天文研究与技术, 5, 281.
• Su, J.T., et al.: Lorentz force: a possible driving force for sunspot rotation, 2008, SoPh, 252(1), 55.
• Wang, X.F., Su, J.T., Zhang, H.Q.: The non-uniform pattern in full-disc vector magnetograms and its correction, 2008, MNRAS, 387(4), 1463.
• 肖江, 胡柯良, 申基, 邓元勇: 用大面阵CCD实现全日面像自动导行, 2008, 光学精密工程, 16(9), .
• 玄伟佳, 王东光, 张志勇, 孙英姿: 光纤追迹法在双折射滤光器误差分析中的应用, 2008, 光学精密工程, 16(5), 771.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Observational study of magnetic chirality of solar active regions, 2008, AdSpR, 42(9), 1480.
• Zhang, Y., Liu, J.H., Zhang, H.Q.: Relationship between rotating sunspots and flares, 2008, SoPh, 247(1), 39.
• Chen, J., Bao, S.D., Zhang, H.Q.: 2007, SoPh, 242, 65.
• Dun, J.P., Kurokawa, H., Ishii, T.T., Liu, Y., Zhang, H.Q.: 2007, ApJ, 657, 577.
• Lin, G.H.: 2007, Data Science Journal, 6, 779.
• Su, J.T., Zhang, H.Q.: 2007, ApJ, 666, 559.
• Su, J.T., Zhang, H.Q., Ruan, G.P., Sun, Y.Z.: 2007, AdSpR, 39, 1723.
• Xu, H.Q., Gao, Y., Zhang, H.Q., Sakurai, T., Pevtsov, A.A., Sokoloff, D.: 2007, AdSpR, 39, 1715.
• Zhang, H.Q., et al.: 2007, ChJAA, 7, 281.
• Zhang, H.Q.: 2007, ASPC, 369, 153.
• Zhang, M., Deng, Y.Y., Zhang, H.Q.: 2007, AdSpR, 39, 1741.
• 肖江, 胡柯良, 邓元勇, 骆丽: 基于USB协议的望远镜多波带控制系统设计, 天文研究与技术, 2007, 4, 360.
• Lin, G.H., Su, J.T.: 2006, ASPC, 351, 383.
• Liu, J.H., Zhang, H.Q.: 2006, SoPh, 234, 21.
• Pevtsov, A.A., Dun, J.P., Zhang, H.Q.: 2006, SoPh, 234, 203.
• Ruan, G.P., Zhang, H.Q.: 2006, NewA, 12, 215.
• Su, J.T., Zhang, H.Q., Deng, Y.Y., Mao, X.J., Gao, Y., Lin, G.H.: 2006, ApJ, 649, L141.
• Zhang, M.: 2006, ApJ, 646, L85.
• Zhang, H.Q.: 2007, A&A, 473, 279.
• 陈洁, 包曙东, 张洪起: 磁螺度以及在太阳物理上的应用, 2006, 河北师范大学学报(自然科学版).
• 李理, 张洪起: 磁浮线与太阳表面活动现象的关系, 2006, 天文研究与技术.
• 林钢华: 虚拟太阳天文台及其发展, 2006, 天文学进展.
• 林佳本, 邓元勇, 胡柯良, 艾国祥: 实时相关跟踪图像处理系统, 2006, 天文研究与技术.
• 林佳本, 邓元勇, 胡柯良: 局部相关跟踪算法在太阳磁场观测中的应用, 2006, 计算机工程与应用.
• 王晓帆, 张洪起: 太阳物理中磁螺度研究进展, 2006, 天文学进展.
• Su, J.T., Zhang, H.Q.: 2005, SoPh, 226(2), 189.
• Su, J.T., Liu, Y., Zhang, H.Q., Kurokawa, H., Yurchyshyn, V., Shibata, K., Bao, X.M., Wang, G.P., Li, C.: 2005, ApJ, 630, L101.
• Wang, H.M., Liu, C., Deng, Y.Y., Zhang, H.Q.: 2005, ApJ, 627, 1031.
• Liu, Y., Hirok, K.: On a surge: properties of an emerging flux region, 2004, ApJ, 610, 1136.
• Low, B.C., Zhang, M.: Magnetostatic structures of the solar corona, normal and inverse quiescent prominences, 2004, ApJ, 609, 1098.
• Su, J.T., Zhang, H.Q.: Calibration of vector magnetogram with the nonlinear least-squares fitting technique, 2004, ChJAA, 4, 365.
• Su, J.T., Zhang, H.Q.: Diagnosis of Faraday rotation with the video vector magnetograph at Huairou, 2004, SoPh, 222(1), 17.
• Zhang, H.Q.: 2004, ChJAA, 4, 563.
• Zhang, M., Low, B.C.: Magnetic energy storage in the two hydromagnetic types of solar prominences, 2004, ApJ, 600, 1043.
• 林钢华: 国内太阳数据VO化初步方案, 2004, 天文研究与技术.