发表文章列表(1984-2003) - 根分类 - 中国科学院国家天文台怀柔观测基地



2024-10-24 06:34:57

实时温度: 6.5 ℃
相对湿度: 90.6 %
实时气压: 1016.7
太阳辐射: 0.0
实时风向: 350 °
实时风速: 0.0
PM2.5: 38.0


发表日期:   2021-11-21      点击:   761

• Bao, X.M., Zhang, H.Q.: The H-beta chromospheric magnetic field in a quiescent filament, 2003, ChJAA, 3, 187.
• Chumak, O., Zhang, H.Q.: Size-flux relation in solar regions, 2003, ChJAA, 3, 175.
• Kleeorin, N., Kuzanyan, K., Moss, D., Rogachevskii, I., Sokoloff, D., Zhang, H.Q.: Magnetic helicity evolution during the solar activity cycle: observations and dynamo theory, 2003, A&A, 409, 1097.
• Kuzanyan, K., Lamburt, V., Zhang, H.Q., Bao, S.D.: Distribution of helical properties of solar magnetid fields, 2003, ChJAA, 3, 257.
• Liu, Y., Jiang, Y., Ji, H., Zhang, H., Wang, H.: Observational evidence of a magnetic flux rope eruption associated with the 3X flare on 2002 July 15, 2003, ApJ, 593, L137.
• Nindos, A., Zhang, J., Zhang, H.Q.: The magnetic helicity budget of solar active regions and coronal mass ejections, 2003, ApJ, 594, 1033.
• Zhang, H.Q., LaBonte, B., Li, J., Sakurai, T.: Analysis of vector magnetic fields in solar active regions by Huairou, Mees and Mitaka Vector Magnetographs, 2003, SoPh, 213, 87.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Helicity and activities in the solar atmosphere, 2003, AdSpR, 32, 1911.
• Ai, G.X., Jin, S., Wang, S., Ye, B., Yang, S.: New progress on Space Solar Telescope, 2002, AdSpR, 29, 2051.
• Bao, S.D., Sakurai, T., Suematsu,: The sources of magnetic field twist in solar active regions, 2002, ApJ, 573, 445.
• Deng, Y.Y., Lin, Y., Schmieder, B., Engvold, O.: Filament activation and magnetic reconnection, 2002, SoPh, 209, 153.
• Liu, Y., Zhang, H.Q.: Analysis of delta spot, 2002, A&A, 386, 656.
• Nindos, A., Zhang, H.Q.: Photospheric motions and coronal mass ejection productivity, 2002, ApJ, 573, L133.
• Tian, L.R., Liu, Y.: The most violent super-scale regions in the 22nd and 23rd clycles, 2002, SoPh, 209, 361.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Magnetic field, helicity and the 2000 July flare in solar active region 9077, 2002, MNRAS, 332, 500.
• Zhang, H.Q., Bao, S.D., Kuzanyan, K.: Twist of magnetic field in solar active regions, 2002, ARep, 46, 424.
• Cao, W., Ye, B., Wang, D., Song, Q.: A Stokes polarimetry at near infrared 1.56μm for solar observation, 2001, Proc. of SPIE, 4480.
• Deng, Y.Y., Wang, J.X., Yan, Y.H., Zhang, J.: Evolution of magnetic nonpotentiality in NOAA AR 9077, 2001, SoPh, 204, 13.
• Liu, Y., Zhang, H.Q.: Relationship between magnetic evolution and major flare eevent on July 14, 2000, 2001, A&A, 372,1019.
• Tian, L.R., Bao, S.D., Zhang, H.Q.: Relationship in sign between tilt and twist in active region magnetic fields, 2001, A&A, 374, 294.
• Wang, H.N., Yan, Y.H., Takashi, S.: Topplogy of magnetic field and coronal heating in solar active regions, 2001, SoPh, 201, 323.
• Yan, Y.H., Aschwanden, M., Wang, S., Deng, Y.Y.: Evolution of magnetic flux rope in NOAA 9077 active region on 14 July 2000, 2001, SoPh, 204, 29.
• Yan, Y.H., Deng, Y.Y., et al.: The magnetic rope structure and associated energetic processes in the 2000 July 14 solar flare, 2001, ApJ, 551, L115.
• Yurchyshyn, V.B., Wang, H.M., Goode, P.R., Deng, Y.Y.: Orientation of the magnetic fields in interplanetary flux ropes and solar filaments, 2001, ApJ, 563, 381.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Electric current and magnetic shear in solar active regions, 2001, ApJ, 557, L71.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Formation of current helicity and emerging magnetic flux in solar active regions, 2001, MNRAS, 326, 57.
• Zhang, J., Wang, J., Deng, Y., Wu, D.: Magnetic flux cancellation associated with the major solar event on 2000 July 14, 2001, ApJ, 548, L99.
• Ai, G.X., Bao, S.D.: Studies of solar intranetwork fields and current helicity in active regions, 2000, AdSpR, 21, 141.
• Bao, S.D., Ai, G.X., Zhang, H.Q.: The hemispheric sign rule of current helicity during the rising phase of cycle 23, 2000, JApA, 21, 203.
• Bao, S.D., Pevtsov, A., Wang, T.J., Zhang, H.Q.: Helicity computation using observations from two different polarimeter instruments, 2000, SoPh, 195, 75.
• Deng, Y.Y., Schmieder, B., Engvold, O., DeLuca E.: Evolution versus time of an arch filament system observed with the SVST and TRACE, 2000, SoPh, 195, 347.
• Kuzanyan, K., Bao, S.D., Zhang, H.Q.: Probing signature of the alpha-effect in the solar convection zone, 2000, SoPh, 191, 231.
• Schmieder, B., Delannee, C., Deng, Y.Y., et al.: Multi-wavelength study of slow disparition brusque of a filament observed with SoHO, 2000, A&A, 358, 728.
• Schmieder, B., Deng, Y.Y.: Dynamics in restructuring active regions observed during SoHO/Yohkoh/GBO campaigns, 2000, AdSpR, 25, 1879.
• Wang, D.G., Ai, G.X., Sun, C., Deng, Y.Y.: Optical Design of polarimeter for Space Solar Telescope, 2000, Proc. of SPIE, 4013, 616.
• Wang, H.N., Yan, Y.H., Sakurai, T., Zhang, M.: Topology of magnetic field and coronal heating in solar active regions - II. The role of qusi-separatrix layers, 2000, SoPh, 197, 263.
• Yan, Y.H., Sakurai, T.: New boundary integral equation representation for finite energy force-free magnetic fields in open space above the Sun, 2000, SoPh, 195, 89.
• Zhang, H.Q., Zhang, M.: Similarities between chromospheric and photospheric quiet-Sun Magnetograms, 2000, SoPh, 196, 269.
• Zhang, H.Q., et al.: Magnetic reconnection in the active region inferred by homologous soft X-ray flares in February 1992, 2000, A&A, 357, 725.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Analysis of the transverse magnetic field in solar active regions by the Huairou vector magnetograph, 2000, SoPh, 197, 235.
• Zhang, H.Q., Tian, L.R., Bao, S.D., Zhang, M.: Twist of magnetic field in solar active regions, 2000, JApA, 21, 245.
• Zhang, M., Zhang, H.Q.: Dependence of the canopy height of solar magnetic flux tubes on its definition, 2000, SoPh, 194, 29.
• Zhang, M., Zhang, H.Q.: A comparison between photospheric and chromospheric quiet-Sun magnetograms, 2000, SoPh, 194, 19.
• Bao, S.D., Zhang, H.Q., Ai, G.X., Zhang, M.: A survey of flares and current helicity in active regions, 1999, A&AS, 139, 311.
• Deng, Y.Y., Schmieder, B., et al.: The evolution from birth to decay of a short-lived active region, 1999, A&A, 349, 927.
• Deng, Y.Y., Wang, J.X., Harvey, J.: High latitude solar rotation traced by magnetic element, 1999, SoPh, 186, 13.
• Moon, Y.-J., Yun, H.-S., Lee, S.-W., Kim, J.-H., Choe, G.-S., Park, Y.D., Ai, G.X., Zhang, H.Q., Fang, C.: A measure of magnetic field discontinuity, 1999, SoPh, 184, 323.
• Tian, L.R., Zhang, H.Q., Tong, Y., Jing, H.R.: The tilt of the magnetic polarity axis in active regions with different polarity separation and flux, 1999, SoPh, 189, 305.
• Wang, T.J., Wang, H.N., Qiu, J.: Two-dimensional singular points in an observed transverse field in solar active region NOAA 7321, 1999, A&A, 342, 854.
• Zhang, J., Wang, J.X., Deng, Y.Y., Wang, H.M.: The polarity distribution of intranetwork and network fields, 1999, SoPh, 188, 47.
• Zhang, H.Q., Bao, S.D.: Distribution of photospheric electric current helicity and solar activities, 1999, ApJ, 519, 876.
• Zhang, M., Zhang, H.Q.: Different magnetic features between solar polar and equatorial magnetic fields, 1999, A&A, 352, 317.
• Zhang, M., Zhang, H.Q., Ai, G.X., Wang, H.N.: Different spatial structures between network regions and active regions indicated by TRACE 171 Å observation, 1999, SoPh, 190, 79.
• Ai, G.X.: Ballon-borne and ground-mobile solar telescope, 1998, AdSpR, 21, 329.
• Ai, G.X.: Progress in Space Solar Telescope, 1998, AdSpR, 21, 305.
• Bao, S.D., Zhang, H.Q.: Patterns of current helicity for the twenty-second solar cycle, 1998, ApJ, 496, L43.
• Choudhary, D.P., Ambastha, A., Ai, G.X.: Emerging flux and X-class flares in NOAA 6555, 1998, SoPh, 179, 133.
• Liu, Y., Akioka, M., Yan, Y.H., Ai, G.X.: An analysis of photospheric vector magnetograms, Hα images and soft X-ray images in a superactive region NOAA 7321, 1998, SoPh, 177, 395.
• Liu, Y., Akioka, M., Yan, Y.H., Sata, J.: A flare due to the interaction of a small loop and a large loop, 1998, SoPh, 180, 377.
• Wang, T.J., Qiu, J., Zhang, H.Q.: The study of magnetic field configuration of a 1N/M1.1 flare in AR 7321, 1998, A&A, 336, 359.
• Zhang, H.Q., Bao, S.D.: Latitudinal distribution of photospheric current helicity and solar activities, 1998, A&A, 339, 880.
• Zhang, H.Q., Scharmer, G., Lofdahl, M., Yi, Z.: Fine structures of magnetic field in solar quiet region, 1998, SoPh, 183, 283.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Configuration of the magnetic field in solar active regions, 1998, ASPC, 155, 74.
• Deng, Y.Y., Ai, G.X., Wang, J.: Inhomogenous distribution of brightness in split-element filter, 1997, Applied Optics, 36, 1576.
• Deng, Y.Y., Ai, G.X., Wang, J., Song, G., Zhang, B., Ye, X.: Reports on the first observations of Multi-Channel Solar Telescope, 1997, SoPh, 173, 207.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Vertical current and flare sites in an active region in 1989 October, 1997, A&A, 324, 713.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Configuration of the magnetic field in solar active regions, 1997, SoPh, 174, 219.
• Ai, G.X.: Space solar telescope, 1996, AdSpR, 17, 343.
• Li, W., Ai, G.X., Zhang, H.Q.: Doppler velocity fields within sites of flares in a solar active region , 1996, SoPh, 163, 121.
• Lin, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, W.: A solar flare in the Fe I 5324 line on 24 June, 1993, 1996, SoPh, 168, 135.
• Liu, Y., Wang, J.X., Yan, Y.H., Ai, G.X.: Gradients of the line-of-sight magnetic fields in active region NOAA 6659, 1996, SoPh, 169, 79.
• Wang, H.N., Wang, J.: Two-dimensional magnetic singular points and flares in solar active regions, 1996, A&A, 313, 285.
• Wang, J.X., Shi, Z.X., Wang, H.N., Lv, Y.P.: Flares and the magnetic nonpotentiality, 1996, ApJ, 456, 861.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Spatial configuration of highly sheared magnetic structures in active region (NOAA 6659) in 1991 June, 1996, ApJ, 471, 1049.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Magnetic configuration of a sunspot region using the Hβ line, 1996, A&A, 119, 205.
• Chou, D.-Y., et al.: Taiwan oscillation network, 1995, SoPh, 160, 237.
• Hu, Y., Wang, J., Ai, G., Nie, Y.: Magnetic energy buildup in a quadrupole field by photospheric shear motion, 1995, SoPh, 159, 251.
• Wang, J.S., Ai, G.X., Song, G.F., Zhang, B., Ye, X.M., Nie, Y.P., et al.: Universal birefringent filter with a new double passband mode, 1995, SoPh, 161, 229.
• Yan, Y., Wang, J.: The 3-D magnetic field structure of AR 6659 from a boundary element method solution under constant-α force-free field condition, 1995, A&A, 298, 277.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Magnetic shear of a large delta sunspot group (NOAA 6659) in June 1991, 1995, A&A, 297, 869.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Formation of magnetic shear and an electric current system in an emerging flux region, 1995, A&A, 304, 541.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Configuration of magnetic shear and vertical current in active region (NOAA 5395) in 1989 March, 1995, A&AS, 111, 27.
• Chen, J., Wang, H., Zirin, H., Ai, G.X.: Observations of vector magnetic fields in flaring active regions, 1994, SoPh, 154, 261.
• Li, W., Ai, G.X., Zhang, H.Q.: Reversed-polarity structures of chromospheric magnetic field, 1994, SoPh, 151, 1.
• Li, W., Ai, G.X.: Polarity-reversed polarity structures of chromospheric magnetic field, 1994, ChA&A, 18, 104.
• Liu, Y., Zhang, H.Q., Ai, G.X., Wang, H.M., Zirin, H.: The evolution of magnetic network elements in the quiet Sun, 1994, A&A, 283, 215.
• Schmieder, B., Hagyard, M.J., Ai, G.X., Zhang, H.Q., et al.: Relationship between magnetic field evolution and flaring sites in AR 6659 in June 1991, 1994, SoPh, 150, 199.
• Wang, H., Ewell, W., Zirin, H., Ai, G.X.: Vector magnetic field changes associated with X-class flares, 1994, ApJ, 424, 436.
• Wang, T., Xu, A., Zhang, H.: Evolution of vector magnetic field and vertical current and their relationship with solar flare in AR 5747, 1994, SoPh, 155, 99.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Configuration of the chromospheric magnetic field in a unipolar sunspot region, 1994, SoPh, 154, 207.
• Zhang, H.Q., Wang, T.J.: Vertical current and a 3B/X12 flare in a highly sheared active region (NOAA 6659) on June 9, 1991, 1994, SoPh, 151, 129.
• Zhang, H.Q., Ai, G.X., Yan, X., Li, W., Liu, Y.: Evolution of vector magnetic field and white-light flares in a solar active region (NOAA 6659) in 1991 June, 1994, ApJ, 423, 828.
• Shi, Z.X., Wang, J.X.: Delta-sunspots and X-class flares, 1994, SoPh, 149, 105.
• Wu, S.T., Weng, F.S, Wang, H.M., Zirin, H., Ai, G.X.: Magnetic structures and energy of 1989 March flares, 1993, AdSpR, 13, 127.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Solar chromospheric magnetic fields in active regions inferred by monochromatic images of the Stokes parameter V of the H-beta line, 1993, SoPh, 146, 75.
• Zhang, H.Q.: Structures of chromospheric magnetic field in the solar flare producing active region 5747, 1993, SoPh, 144, 323.
• Zhang, H.Q., Ai, G.X., Li, W., Chen, J.: Structures of chromospheric magnetic field in the vicinity of filament of active region 6659, 1993, SoPh, 146, 61.
• Zhang, H.Q., Ai, G.X., Wang, H.M., Zirin, H., Patterson, A.: Evolution of magnetic fields and mass flow in a decaying active region, 1992, SoPh, 140, 307.
• Zhang, H.Q, Song, M.T.: Vector magnetogram and dopplergram observation of magnetic flux emergence and its explanation, 1992, SoPh, 138, 69.
• 曹艾, 张洪起: 太阳宁静区网络磁场和速度场结构的谱分析, 1991, 天文学报, 32, 46.
• Wang, H.M., Zirin, H., Ai, G.X.: Magnetic flux transport of decaying active regions and enhanced magnetic network, 1991, SoPh, 131, 53.
• Wang, H.M., Tang, F., Zirin, H., Ai, G.X.: Motions, fields, and flares in the 1989 March active region, 1991, ApJ, 380, 282.
• Wang, H.M., Zirin, H., Ai, G.X.: Magnetic flux transport of decaying active regions and enhanced magnetic network, 1991, SoPh, 131, 53.
• Yan, Y.H., Yu, Q., Kang, F.: A solar magnetic field model and its 3-D boundary element method solution, 1991, SoPh, 136, 195.
• Zhang, H.Q., Ai, G.X., Sakurai, T., Kurokawa, H.: Fine structures of chromospheric magnetic field in a solar active region, 1991, SoPh, 136, 269.
• Li, J., Ai, G.X., Zhang, H.Q., Cao, A.: Observation of magnetic and velocity fields of enhanced network on Sun, 1990, CAA, 14(1), 40.
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