Using Readfits in SSWIDL to access the data. We also supply the read the C2 and C3 FITS FILE.
(Install IDL Astronomy Library in advance. SSWIDL is also needed)

C2 Level data: data_C2=fsmt_read(fileC2,header=header)

C3 Level data: data_C3=fsmt_read(fileC3,header=header,AR=AR,Region=Region)

header is FITs header.
AR is the NOAA number array, for example ['AR12715','AR12713']
Region Region is the same estimated region of solar mutiple channel telescope of HSOS.(3'x4')
It is array of [4,NAR], NAR is the number NOAA sunspots. 4 is the [X0,Y0,X1,Y1] coordinate
of the data. X0,Y0 is the left-bottom corner. X1,Y1 is the right-up corner.