Solar Magnetic Field Telescope

This magnetograph consists of a 35-cm vacuum refractor, a 1/8Å birefringent filter with 3 sets of KD*P crystal modulator, a CCD camera and an Imaging Technology 151 system controlled by a AST-386 computer. The photospheric vector magnetograms and Dopplergrams, chromospheric longitudinal magnetograms and Dopplergrams, corrsponding filtergrams can be obtain by this system.

Diameter 350mm
Focal length 2800mm
Field Of View
Spectral Lines
FeI 5324.19Å for photosphere
H 4861.34Å for chromosphere
Birefringent Filter
Bandwidth 1/8Å
Tunable range 0.12Å at 5324Å, 0.98Å at 4861Å
Pixel size 0.4" x 0.7"
Temporal resolution
1 min
± 1~10 gauss for longitudinal magnetic field
± 30~50 gauss for transverse magnetic field
± 10~20 m/s for longitudinal velocity
For more information contact
G.X. Ai, H.Q. Zhang, Y.Y. Deng, W, Li, D.G. Wang, K.L. Hu

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